Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Episode 22: Coffee and Accidents

Tuesday, July 26, 1966
My name is Victoria Winters. I'm more certain than ever that, somehow, the mystery of my past is entwined with the mystery of Collinwood itself, a mystery that echoes through all of Collinsport, reaching out to others as well, people who are searching for answers of their own.
Maggie is having coffee when Burke stops by the cottage unannounced. She is going to get a fresh cup and one for him when Burke tells her the car accident wasn't an accident; it was attempted murder. She drops her cup, which doesn't break (as sometimes happens).

Maggie brings the coffee. Burke wants to know why she doesn't make coffee like this at the restaurant. He has come to talk to her father. Sam is out with his paints and easel to catch the sunrise. Maggie says he has years of fine work ahead of him.

Sam comes in the restaurant. Roger is there using the pay phone, telling Liz the insurance man said everything will be taken care of with the car.
The waitress is named Suzy and she's silently nodding and smiling as orders are placed. Roger and Sam have coffee. Roger tells Sam about his confrontation with Burke. This worries Sam. Roger says if Burke had agreed to leave Collinsport, Roger would have let him go. But not now. Sam is worried about the police being involved. Roger points out that his death would solve things for Sam too. Roger and Sam are the only two people who know what happened ten years ago—what really happened.

There's a portrait of Maggie's mother in the cottage. It seems like this could be important, but maybe not. Burke wants to know if Sam still does portraits. Maggie says sometimes.
Burke notes that ever since he came into the room, Maggie has been about to say something she doesn't say. He and her father used to be good friends, he says, and there's no reason they shouldn't be now. Although Sam never answered his letters from prison.
Sam returns home. He doesn't give Burke the warm welcome he's expecting. Sam thinks Maggie is talking behind his back.
Burke says he wants Sam to do his portrait—for a thousand dollars. Sam tries to turn it down, but Maggie won't hear of it. They could use the money. Sam says he hasn't done a portrait in a long time. He's suckered in for a minute. Then Burke says he wants one the same size as the portraits in the Collins house, one that will fit right over the mantel there.

Carolyn answers the telephone in the house Burke wants to evict her and her family from. It's Joe, wanting to take her to lunch. She says she'll call him from the restaurant if she can make it.
Roger comes home with his arm in a sling. He quickly doffs it and puts it round Carolyn's neck as a favor to wear. Carolyn isn't sure Burke tried to kill Roger, and the two of them argue.
She tells him Vicki believed Burke's denial. Roger says he was in the same room and he didn't believe it.
Carolyn says if it was Burke, it's her fault because she brought him there.
Roger says Burke has been tormenting him for ten years. (How has he been doing that?) Carolyn wants an assurance that Roger isn't trying to have Burke put in prison if he isn't guilty. Roger claims he's after justice. He thinks she should run along to her date with Joe like a good little heiress.

Maggie is ready to go to work. Sam is beginning to work on some preliminary sketches of his model Burke. He wonders how they'll have time to finish the portrait with Burke only staying for a couple of days.
Burke says his plans have changed.

                      Cast, In Order of Appearance

Victoria Winters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alexandra Moltke
Maggie Evans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathryn Leigh Scott
Burke Devlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Mitchell Ryan
Sam Evans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Allen
Susie. . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colleen Kelly
Roger Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Louis Edmonds
Carolyn Stoddard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nancy Barrett

Fashion by Ohrbach’s
Directed by Lela Swift
Story created and written by Art Wallace

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